vNOTES Operations (Vaginal Laparoscopy)

What is a Transaction?

vNOTES (Vaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery) is a minimally invasive laparoscopic surgical method that is performed vaginally and allows access to internal organs without an incision in the abdomen. This technique offers advantages in terms of aesthetics and recovery time.

How is it done?

During the vNOTES procedure, special surgical instruments and a camera are inserted vaginally into the abdominal cavity. At our hospital in Çiğli, Izmir, these procedures are performed with precision and supported by advanced diagnostic systems. During the procedure, internal organs are clearly visualized and surgical interventions are performed safely.

In which cases is it applied?

  • Fimbriectomy Removal of the tubes.
  • High Uterosacral Suspension: Correction of uterine prolapse.
  • Cystectomy Removal of ovarian cysts.
  • Hysterectomy Removal of the uterus vaginally.
  • Ectopic Pregnancy Surgeries: Treatment of ectopic pregnancy.

What are the Symptoms?

Symptoms requiring vNOTES surgery may include

  • Abdominal and pelvic pain
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Presence of a cyst or mass
  • Ectopic pregnancy

What are the Treatment Methods?

  • vNOTES Surgery: As a minimally invasive procedure, it offers aesthetic and rapid healing.
  • Laparoscopic Surgery: A surgical method performed through small incisions in the abdominal wall in appropriate cases.
  • Open Surgery: It is applied when other methods are not sufficient or not suitable.

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